Yesterday I was at the gym doing intervals on the treadmill and I was really struggling during the higher intensity intervals. I have sort of a mental block when it comes to running and I just don’t have the will to keep myself from stopping.
Sometimes I play a game where I think about reasons to keep going. Yesterday I was particularly motivated by all the cookies I ate two days ago…and then again yesterday. I also thought back to some very “serious” advice my Dad once gave me about working out. I would come home from training sessions at the gym and tell him how I couldn’t even get out the last rep on some of the machines. He asked me if I would have been able to finish the last rep if I was lifting something off my little sister who was trapped. For example, a car or a rock or something. Now, I know this seems pretty dramatic, but it’s actually a good point. I probably could have squeaked out that last rep if it really meant life or death for someone I care about. So I always have that thought to fall back on.
But today I was thinking of lots of reasons to keep going on the treadmill.
Do it for my brother and sister who have experienced much more physical pain than my two minute sprint on the treamill.
Do it because I want to set a good example for those around me.
Do it because I want to look good in a bathing suite on my vacation to the beach at the end of December.
I kept coming back to one thought though. Do it for me. Don’t stop running on the treadmill because I want to feel good about myself. I want to know that I didn’t give up and that I had a great workout. Do it for me. Do it for you.
So I’ll leave you with that little phrase that you can (and should) always come back to you. Whatever it is that you’re doing in life, do it because you know it will make you a better, stronger, and happier person. Not for anyone or anything else.
Do it for you.
Don’t forget to come back on Monday for a week filled with four healthy holiday cookie recipes!
Ashlee Thompson says
So true. You go gurl.
Davida @The Healthy Maven says
Such an important reminder. When I was running I used to focus on how much I appreciated my body’s ability to move, no matter how fast I was going. Nowadays I am grateful I can walk despite injuries so I just keep on moving.
Katie @ 24 Carrot Life says
I love this Davida. I try to remember all the amazing things my body can do as well, instead of thinking of all the things it can’t do.